Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Zane Post 8-26-09

Welcome to the very first of very many Brennan and Zane video productions. This video is quite special... to the both of us due to the fact that it is the very first video we have produced in college. The Director: Mathew Brennan Utley, The Videographer: Brett Rice, and The Featuerd Actor: Zane Davis Goggans. This is a film on a young freshmans' not so accurate guess at what college was going to be like for him and what it is in real life. Now, at the end of the film I do make the comment, "... college just sucks." This however was just an instance of over playing words for the sake of the film to capture the characters full emotion.... I dont really think college sucks... in fact, I LOVE college man!

Keep Abilene Boring, yall. Enjoy the film... which is like a minute and a half...

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